Jun 28

ස්කූටියෙන් එන අයියලාගෙන් ප්‍රවේශම්වන්න! අනුරාධපුරයෙන් නංගිලාට පාඩමක්!

th ÿrl;k weue;=ulska we;s lr.;a fm%auhls' fmïj;df.a wdrdOkfhka fmïiqj ú¢kakg hkakg wod, ;re‚h k.rhg meñ‚fha uy;a n,dfmdfrd;a;= we;sjh' ial+grhl ke.S fmïj;do lS fõ,djgu ;re‚h fidhd meñK ;re‚hf.a w;a nE.ho h;=remeÈfha wdrlaIs; l=áhg oud.;a;o .ukg ndOdjla úh' ta fmïj;d i;=j fy,auÜ folla fkd;sîuh'

—Thd T;ku bkak uu hd¿fjlaf.ka fy,auÜ tlla b,a,f.k tkakï— hehs lshQ fmïj;d fy,aughla fidhd .sfhah'

jeä fõ,jla .;jQfha ke;' wu;r fy,aughla fkdue;sj wd fmïj;d fmïj;shg mejiQfõ ld¾hd,fhka yÈisfhau le|jQ neúka ;u wdmiq hdhq;= njh' fmï iqj ú£u l,aoeuQ fmïj;d w;anE.ho fmïj;shg § hkakg .sfhah'

fmïj;df.a ;ru fmïj;shg wjfndaO jQfha w;anE.fha jQ uqo,a fidhoa§h' nE.fha ;snQ remsh,a 6000l uqo, fmïj;do iu. w;=reokaj ;snq‚'

weh ;u miqïìfha jQ uqo,a fkdue;s ùu ksid ta iïnkaOfhka wkqrdOmqr uQ,ia:dk fmd,sish fj; f.dia meñ‚,s l<dh' tfy;a iellre l=uk m%foaYhl whl=o hkak weh oekisáfha ke;' tfy;a wehg ,nd§ ;snQ ÿrl;k weue;=ï wxlhg wkqj iellre fidhd .ekSug fmd,sish iu;aúh' Tyq lrKjEñfhla nj fmd,sishg wKdjrKh úh'

wk;=rej ;re‚hf.ka fidrlï l< uqo, wehg kej; ,ndfok f,i fmd,sish w;awvx.=jg .;a iellreg mjid we;;a remsh,a 6"000l uqo,la fidrlï fkdl< nj;a tys ;sî remsh,a 1"000l uqo,la fidrd.;a nj;a Tyq fmd,sishg mjid ;sfí' fmd,sia ks,OdÍka iellref.a ksfji mÍlaId lr n,oa§ fidrd.;a njg iellrk remsh,a 6"000 uqo,ska remsh,a 5"900la iÕjd ;sìh§ fidhd.ekSug yelsj ;sfí'

w;awvx.=jg .;a 27 yeúßÈ iellre Èk oyhl ì,s|l=f.a mshl= nj;a Tyq óg udi y;rlg muK by;§ újdy ù we;s nj;a fmd,sish mejeiQ w;r wdor iïnkaO;dj we;s lr.;a ;re‚h jhi wjqreÿ 25la muK jk wújdyl ;eke;a;shls' iellre wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lsÍfuka miqj y÷kd .ekSfï fmfrÜgqjlg fhduqlrkf;la rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr.; flß‚'
ඔබේ ප්‍රතිචාරය කුමක්ද?

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